Monday 24 July 2017

PRESENTATION ( Biology ) :- Presence of starch in leaves

TITLE:-  Presence of starch in leaves
AIM:-  To Show Presence of starch in  leaves.

MATERIAL REQUIRED:- 1. Beaker  2. Test  tube , 3. Bunsen burner. 4. water bath 5. Ethanol  6. Tripod stand 
                                           7.  leaf

PROCEDURE:-  let us consider Beaker , Test  tube ,  Bunsen burner,  water bath ,  Ethanol ,Tripod stand and leaf as shown in figure .
fig:- boiling the leaf in ethanol spirit
fig:- Iodine test

 Let us take a leaf from a plant with soft and thin leaves and well exposed  to sun light.
* boil the leaf in methylated spirit removal of chlorophyll.
*take the leave carefully  from test tube by using a brush.
*spread the leaf in Petridish add few drops of betadine solution on it. Again observe leaf. 

PRECAUTION:-  we have done the experiment carefully.

RESULT:-  As per their activity above we observe that presence of starch in leaf.

© NRSC, Model Prepared by Engineer Affan Nomani, Research Scholar & Writer

PROJECT ( Biology ):- Oxygen is produced during photosynthesis in the presence of light.

TITLE:-  Oxygen is produced during photosynthesis in the presence of light.

AIM:-  To Show oxygen  is produced during photosynthesis in the presence of light.

MATERIAL REQUIRED:- 1. Beaker  2. Test tube 3. Water  4. Funnel  5. Hydrilla Plant.

PROCEDURE:-  Let us consider 1. Beaker  2. Test tube 3. Water  4. Funnel and  5. Hydrilla Plant as shown in figure below. 

*  place some water plant like hydrilla in a funnel and keep it in a beaker.
Then pour the water in the beaker.
*  Invert a test tube full of water over the stem of a funnel.
*  place on apparatus in the sun and the other in the dark for at least 2-3 hours. You would seed that in place       of water there is a air that fills in the set up kept in sun . It is actually a gas that will be collected in the test        tube.
*  observe the other set up kept in dark.
*  we found that difference in the amount of gas collected.

PRECAUTION:-  we all group members have done the experiment carefully.

RESULT:-  when we tested the gas in the test tube by interesting a glowing match stick or insence stick which would burst into flames. This shows the presence of oxygen.

© NRSC, Model Prepared  by Engineer Affan Nomani, Research Scholar & Writer

Wednesday 19 July 2017

PROJECT:- Concept of Light and Ray Diagram For Concave Mirror.

Q.No.1. Write a notes on concept of Light with the views of prominent scientists in scientific domain. 

Answer:-  The view of world's prominent scientists on light are different. Someone consider light is a particle while someone consider light is a wave. The debate about whether light consists of waves or particles dates back to the 17th century  Early in the 20th century, Albert Einstein , Niels Bohr, and others exploring the world of quantum mechanics said light behaves as both waves and particles. Later experiments clearly showed this "wave-particle duality," but they were never able to show light as both waves and particles at the same time. The authentic definition of light is that it is a type of energy and Its  a form of electromagnetic radiation of a  wave length which can be detected by the human eye. The study of light, known as optics, is an important research area in modern physics. Light is electromagnetic radiation that is shows properties of both waves and particles .
Research Scholar and columnist Engineer Affan Nomani has written in his article on June 28, 2016 , published in India's national English, Hindi and Urdu newspaper and magazine  that " Abu Ali Muhammed Hasan Ibne Haisam ( 965-1039 BC ) , well known as  Al-Hazen in Europe , was the first Scientist who proved Theology of European Wrong and given wonderful theory that the Light rays comes  from object to the Eye not from Eye to the object.  Al-Hazen was the one of the world's most influential physicist ,
responsible for the development of world's first Microscope.

Q.No.2. When an object placed at centre of curvature
 then where and what kind of image will be form ?

Answer:-  When an object placed at centre of curvature  ( C ) then the image will be formed Real, Inverted  and same that of object at centre of curvature ( C )  only.

Q.No.3. Where will be the image be formed when we 
place an object on the principal axis of a concave mirror at a point between focus and centre of curvature  ? 

Answer:- When an object placed at between focus
 ( F )  and centre of curvature ( C )  then the image will be formed Real, Inverted, Enlarged and beyond the centre  of curvature  ( C ).

Q.No.4  When an object placed at beyond centre of
curvature ( C )  then where and what kind of image 
will be form ?
Answer:- When an object placed at beyond the centre of curvature ( C )  then the image will be formed Real, Inverted, and diminished at 
between focus ( F )  and centre of curvature ( C ).
© NRSC, Model Prepared by Engineer Affan Nomani, Research Scholar & Writer

PRESENTATION:- Reflection of light in concave mirror

                                                                   PRESENTATION  ( F.A. 1 )

TITLE:- Reflection of light in concave mirror

AIM:- To show the image will be form same as that of object in  concave mirror .

MATERIAL REQUIRED:- Concave  mirror  2. Three scale for measuring height of object and image  3. Candle  4. Matchis box  5. Thermocole 6. Pins 7. Chart paper

PROCEDURE:- Let us consider a concave mirror, Three scale for measuring height of object and image , Candle  ,  Matchis box  , Chart paper and  Pins are elements on Thermocole as shown in figure below.
fig :- image is formed same as that of object

Let us consider a concave mirror with two scale are situated vertically and another horizontally with a concave mirror.

Step 1:- when a candle ( object ) of height 6  cm with burning flame of 4 cm placed at between 7 cm to 8 cm at horizontal scale then we observe that same image formed as that of object on concave mirror.

Step 2:- when a candle ( object ) of height 6 cm with burning flame of 4 cm placed at between 5 cm to 6 cm at horizontal scale then we observe that same image formed as that of object on concave mirror.

Step 3:- when a candle ( object ) of height 6 cm with burning flame of 4 cm placed at 0 cm at horizontal scale then we observe that same image formed as that of object on concave mirror.

PRECAUTION:- We done all the experiment step by step carefully with a exact reading.

RESULT:- Hence we observed that image is formed same as that of object in  concave mirror.

© NRSC, Model Prepared by Engineer Affan Nomani, Research Scholar & Writer