Monday 24 July 2017

PRESENTATION ( Biology ) :- Presence of starch in leaves

TITLE:-  Presence of starch in leaves
AIM:-  To Show Presence of starch in  leaves.

MATERIAL REQUIRED:- 1. Beaker  2. Test  tube , 3. Bunsen burner. 4. water bath 5. Ethanol  6. Tripod stand 
                                           7.  leaf

PROCEDURE:-  let us consider Beaker , Test  tube ,  Bunsen burner,  water bath ,  Ethanol ,Tripod stand and leaf as shown in figure .
fig:- boiling the leaf in ethanol spirit
fig:- Iodine test

 Let us take a leaf from a plant with soft and thin leaves and well exposed  to sun light.
* boil the leaf in methylated spirit removal of chlorophyll.
*take the leave carefully  from test tube by using a brush.
*spread the leaf in Petridish add few drops of betadine solution on it. Again observe leaf. 

PRECAUTION:-  we have done the experiment carefully.

RESULT:-  As per their activity above we observe that presence of starch in leaf.

© NRSC, Model Prepared by Engineer Affan Nomani, Research Scholar & Writer

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